Basics of Java

Java program


What is JAVA?

Java is an incredibly versatile and robust computer language that is highly valued in the software development industry. This language, which is developed by the reputable software corporation Oracle, is favored for its safety and its cross-platform functionality, enabling software to run seamlessly on multiple types of machines. Java is an ideal choice for creating a diverse range of applications, including mobile and web-based apps, as well as large-scale enterprise programs. As a result, it has become a renowned programming language in a variety of sectors, from customer relations management to general business operations. The language’s code is translated into bytecode, allowing it to function on a multitude of devices without requiring modification. Therefore, Java provides a reliable and user-friendly means of developing highly sophisticated and innovative software that can function across multiple platforms.

Elements of JAVA

Java is a popular programming language used in web, desktop, and mobile applications. Some of the fundamental elements of Java include the following:

1. Syntax:

The Java language has a clear and concise syntax that follows a specific set of rules for writing code.

2. Object-Oriented Programming:

Java is an object-oriented language, which means that it uses objects to hold attributes and methods that manipulate data.

3. Libraries:

Java comes with a robust set of libraries that developers can use to solve common programming problems.

4. Virtual Machine:

Java code is compiled to bytecode that can be run on any machine with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed.

5. Security:

Java places high importance on security, with features for managing code from untrusted sources, encryption, and authentication.

6. Multithreading:

Java allows for concurrent execution of tasks, making it ideal for large-scale applications that require multiple tasks to run simultaneously.

7. Memory Management:

Java includes automatic memory management, which frees up memory when it is no longer in use.

Example of JAVA programme


1. Write a print programme.

class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(“My first Java program”);

2. Write a programme of addition.

public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int Num1 = 5; 
int Num2 = 3; 
int sum= Num1+Num2;

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